We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...

We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...
1997's Climb

Friday, December 10, 2010

Fourth Day!

      Kim had another good day today - we appreciate each one, thanking God for our blessings.  We went to Dr. Taetle's today, to have Kim's blood drawn to be sure she could get her chemo on Monday...it's a nail biter, since we will not know the results until Monday!  Kim's appointment is for 10:30 a.m. Monday, with Marylynn, the nurse practioner, to review the results, exam Kim and then determine if she can receive her chemo.  We will be praying through the weekend that she can get the chemo she needs to start fighting the cancer. 
     After her appointment, we went to Sunflower Market, Kim in her wheelchair, and stocked up on fresh fruits and vegetable to keep Kim strong.  We baked some yams and Kim ate one like a baked potato and had a fruit salad that I made for her.  She did pretty well today, but by around 5, she needed to get into bed.
     The bambini's had a fun day at school.  Tonio and Autumn attended a pizza party that was thrown for the students who achieved their accelerated reading goals three months in a row.  After school, Tonio went shopping with Mrs. Schrantz for supplies the classroom needs for a project they will be doing next week.  They also made a stop at McD's!  Autumn played with some good friends until it was time to go home and Patti gave them both a ride to our house.  I picked Cody up at school and he was jazzed - he had scored a 94% on his algebra benchmarks, a large part of his grade this quarter.  He has worked so hard and with the help of Mrs. Lopez, seems to be understanding it well.  It was a great end to his school week.  The kids have one week to go before school ends for a three week Christmas break.
     After we put Kim in bed, we ran down to Target so the kids could pick out some gifts to give to their mom for Christmas.  They were very thoughtful as to their choices - they are so sweet.  On the way home, we stopped at Red Box and picked up A Christmas Carol, starring Jim Carrey, then, we ate some great chicken, rice and salad that our friend, Vonda, made for us tonight - Kim had seconds on everything.  We started the movie around 7:30 and less than half way through the movie, everyone is asleep...so if you haven't seen this version, this might save you some time and $$!
     Now, I'm praying that Kim gets a good nights rest and has a great weekend, looking to get going on the cancer fight Monday!!  In Jesus' name we pray...


  1. Amen, Dave!!

    Ephesians 3:20-21 (Amplified Bible)
    Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]--

    To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).

  2. Taking one day at a time that is all we can do for now.

    Peppers are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants. I love the orange and yellow ones the best I eat them like apples and I think that may be one reason why I haven't been sick in a long, long time. Also blueberries and walnuts. These are supper foods. I put blueberries and walnuts in my yogurt and oatmeal and eat them 3-4 times a week! Green tea comes in so many flavors now it is another awesome super food/drink. Can you tell I want Kim to be charged up like Cody come Monday.
    One of my favorite parables that Jesus spoke of is in Matthew chapter 6. starting in verse 25-34 " stop being anxious about your souls as to what you will eat or what you will drink or what your bodies as to what you will wear...For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things...."Jesus mentions how God feeds the birds and we are worth more than they are and he clothes the lilies of the field, but as long as we "keep on seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to us so never be anxious about the next day for the next day will have its own anxieties sufficient for each day is its own badness"

    I don't know if you remember when I was sick for 2 years but these verses really helped me lean on our heavenly father and trust in him.
