We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...

We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...
1997's Climb

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Beautiful Sunday

     It was a beautiful Sunday, just like it had been a year ago...Kim had a great day, helping us prep to make breakfast and lunch.  We rolled her in her wheelchair to the table's edge and she cut all of the vegetables that we needed...and truly enjoyed it.  Then, she directed the cooking from afar 'I don't want to blow up!'  she'd tell us...
     I know everyone misses Kimmy.  A lot of people, over the last few days, have stopped me to share their stories and memories of Kim.  Their favorite thing about her, like her laugh.  And the things that she used to like to do or say.  It is fun remembering how fun Kim was.

     Today, we celebrated our friend Kim's birthday (Angie's youngest daughter)!  No less than 30 of us converged on Fuddrucker's, taking up most of their back room.  I love when the kids get together, the things they find to amuse themselves, the 'prizes' they win from playing the games there.  The burgers are so big, that I don't even have to order one for myself.  Everyone asked me tonight "Aren't you eating?  What did you order?"  I told them that all I had to do was wait a little...sure enough, I was rewarded with half of Autumn's burger...followed by 1/4 of Cody's...and then half of Tonio's burger...
      Kim and Rashon's little girl, Maleah, is growing so fast.  She is such a pretty little girl and was well loved tonight!  She's two months old already and very alert.
      Angie had brought a Carvel cake - my Kim's Dad had worked there many moons ago, back when they had their own ice cream shops.  It was a good cake.  We all sang raucously.  The bambini had a great time...and it helped end our day on a high note.  Thanks for having us help you celebrate your birthday Kim! 
      Kim's husband, Rashon, invited me to join his fantasy NBA league...today was the draft.  I don't know much about basketball and will need some help.  My team name is 'Durden'.  A tribute to Tyler Durden of Fight Club.  Team highlight?  Kobe Bryant. 
       Today, we did start our celebration of Kim's life.  Well, I guess we do that everyday anyway, but officially kicked off this week by making a batch of biscotti.  We tried a recipe Friday and another one Saturday.  Armed with the experience and knowledge, we were able to make Kimmy's biscotti today and the bambini proclaimed it to be the best!  We'll do something each day this week to celebrate her.

        Thanks for being there,
   We never know which lives we influence, or when, or why.  Not until the future eats the present, anyway. We know when it's too late.


  1. I have been thinking about all of you this week!! I enjoyed getting caught up on your blog!! :)
