We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...

We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...
1997's Climb

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mission Impossible

                 It's been a long day...tomorrow will be longer...

                 But, I managed to still get Bella out into the desert, the air cool from monsoon activity and fragrant with creosote...
                 Tonio decided to join me.  "Can we climb through the barb wire, into the desert?"  he asked.  He's such a sweet soul, a broken soul, a not quite lost, but almost, soul.  I could not say no.
                 He watched intently as I carefully lifted Bella through a gap in the barb wire fence - not really a 'gap', but, just an area where someone had lifted one strand of barb wire high enough so you can wiggle through...He told me 'Be careful Dad!' as I followed Bella...and then, I turned to lift him, but, thought to boost his confidence and talked him through...he made it flawlessly...
                 ...and we walked, down a long abandoned dirt road, deeper and deeper into the desert, toward the Rincon Mountains, the sun setting behind us...trail bordered by ever tightening, cholla prickly pear cacti...Tonio spotting every lizard, quail, rabbit and chipmunk...with watchful eye out for the herd of cattle that graze this section of desert.
                  He's deep, Tonio, and asked question after question on our walk...it was nice to spend time with him and I told him stories of the hikes Mama and I used to take.  He wanted to know every detail - what had we seen?  Who was with us?  What was it like?

                 Autumn and Tonio always want to have 'movie night'.  I tell them, if they get ready for bed fast enough, there will be time.  They wanted me to choose a movie tonight.  So, I chose Mission Impossible 2.  I am not a Tom Cruise fan, but this is a great movie.
                The soundtrack is fantastic and really sets the mood.  The bambini were mesmerized by the action and Autumn was able to call what would happen next enough times that it made me fell as if a) it was Kim sitting next to me, pulling a 'Columbo' or b) she'd already seen this movie...
                "I don't really like Tom Cruise", she said at one point, "But he's pretty good in this movie.".
                 I would let them know when my favorite scenes were coming up...
                 Tom Cruise, as Ethan Hunt, must rid the world of a deadly virus, fight his arch enemy and previous spy partner, and, you guessed it - save the girl in the face of overwhelming odds.
                 The girl, played by Thandie Newton, trying to save Ethan Hunt from sure demise, injects herself with the virus (which, she knows, is a viable way to transport it) - as the bad guys unload round after round of lead trying to stop Hunt.  The bullets stop once the bad guys realize the girl has the virus in her blood stream and Ethan Hunt is ready to escape...
                   "You can't get us both out of here, can you?"  She asks Hunt....No, of course he cannot, but, he vows that he will save her.  The emotion of this scene, brought back every effort that I made to 'get us both out of here', during Kim's fight.

                   My favorite scene...

The white dove, through a flaming doorway, heralds the arrival of the hero, aiming to get the bad guys....and save the girl.
The white dove.  When Kim's father, Ken, passed away from cancer a decade ago...a white dove visited our home.  Kim was sure.  Certain.  That is was her Dad visiting us...so, the white dove in this movie held some meaning for me. 
I remember seeing this show with Kimmy.  She'd indulge me my action movies and was not a Cruise fan either.  But, she enjoyed this one.  We enjoyed it together, chuckling at some of the impossible stunts, but enjoying them just the same.  Even Aut, during a scene where Ethan Hunt has his motorcycle on one wheel, pulling a 180 and shooting a the bad guys the whole time, commented 'Yeh, he's good, but that's not really Tom Cruise doing these stunts...'
And, in the end, as the girl is about to jump off the highest cliff to rid the world of the virus...Ethan Hunt comes through, swooping in to save her...
I am a sentimental guy - I hold on to certain memories...moments in time.  Connecting events to make meaning out of them...
...and I have a story about an angel for you.
But not tonight.  It's late, I'll be on the road by 430ish, and need to get to sleep...to dream...


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