We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...

We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...
1997's Climb

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

   Well, Kim started slowly today...she gets very dry from the oxygen she is on.  We had it turned down to 1 liter when she went to bed last night...but, she woke around 12:30, with a tickle and started coughing.  Her coughing was off and on until about 6 a.m., so she had  a pretty broken night's sleep.  I think I've mentioned before, that once Kim wakes up, she is immediately hungry and typically eats something right away.  She did not want anything for breakfast until around 10 a.m. - this has to be the latest I've ever seen Kim eat breakfast!  She stayed in bed until around noon, getting up to shower, becoming very winded, so we bumped her up to 1 1/2 liters of oxygen.  She laid back down and fell to sleep until 3, when it was time to go next door to Betsey's for Thanksgiving Dinner.  Before we left, we turned her oxygen up to 2 liters and made the short walk next door.  Betsey had a nice recliner set up for Kim and she sat right down, winded from the walk, heart racing.
    Betsey, her mom, Ursula and our neighbor, Amy had prepard an incredible feast.  Kim's mom, Carole made a wonderful pumpkin roll for dessert. They had a long line of tables lined up, which fit nicely in the new expanded great room - Brian had recently torn down the wall between the dining room and kitchen and built a beautiful arch where the wall used to be.  Everyone ate well, we got to watch some football and enjoyed the time with our family.  Amy presented Kim with a beautiful Happy Thanksgiving book that she had put together, inside of which, she had staff members from Rincon Vista, where Kim works as Volunteer Coordinator, write Thanksgiving messages...also, inside were the incredible results from a fund raiser Amy had helped put together over at Rincon Vista where students and staff could donate to be able to wear hats or jeans to school!  We were overwhelmed with the generosity of everyone at Rincon Vista!!  Her principal, Lydia Crain and asst. principal, Brent Edwards, have been so supportive of Kim and our family during this challenging time.
    The bambini's had a fun day and really enjoyed their time at Betsey and Brian's house, playing with their little ones, Mitchell and Hadley and Amy and Tom's son, Alex.  They ate a ton of great food, played outside until it got too dark and too chilly and then played nicely inside until it was time to go.  Autumn said she was thankful for Grammie and Grandpa Jim being able to spend Thanksgiving with us.  Tonio said he is thankful for everything!  He's settling in now to watch Horton Hears a Who with me before we go to sleep.
    I'm thankful that Betsey, Brian, Amy, Tom, Ursula, Sam, Carole and Jim put together such a nice meal and time, that put a smile on Kim's face for several hours today!  She needed it!  Also, I am thankful for the daily support and prayers of our friends and family everywhere.
    And praying that Kim gets a good night sleep tonight and has a better oxygen day tomorrow!
    Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Dave and Kim,
    Words can not express the amount of thoughts and prayers coming your way from Texas. We love and miss you guys!! Kim you are a rock and I am constantly impressed by your strength and faith. Dave thanks so much for this blog.
    Love, The Hoffman's

  2. Just figuring out the blog, I don't know how I missed this one and was able to find the others. Glad you all had a wonderful day. As I posted on the first blog, we thought of your family all day. Morgan learned how to cook a turkey dinner and we both learned how to make your delicious pumpkin roll, of course ours did not taste as good as Kim's, a little more practice perhaps. :-) We miss dinners with you all.
