We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...

We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...
1997's Climb

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Hawk Killer!

         Did you know Kimmy was a fierce hunter?  No, just kidding...but, she did kill a hawk one time...
         We had just dropped the bambini off at school and were going to grab some breakfast at Jerry Bob's (Let's Eat!) - a rare moment alone - before Kim had to run off to work at Rincon Vista.  We were chatting and Kim was not watching the road, when, suddenly, a hawk swooped down across Houghton road, just before we were going to make our turn in the parking lot near Chuy's...I watched it, with fascination - seemingly in slow motion, as it gracefully soared lower and lower - such a beautiful bird and impressive wing span!  Surely it would pull up....
           Kim continued to tell me a story and did not see it coming...'uh, Kimmy?'...she looked up just as the huge hawk collided with the grill of our Expedition...a plume of feathers were swept across the windshield.
          Kimmy screamed out and tried to swerve, but it was already too late...
          She felt so badly - it took me a long while to console her and reassure her that there was absolutely nothing she could have done...I have to say, I've seen birds hit my windshield before, but have never seen a hawk hit by a car!!
          This week, at the bambini's school, it's Teacher Appreciation Week.  Kim was absolutely in her element for this!  She arranged some nice little present, cleverly wrapped, each day...often accentuated by some lucsious baked item, too - or chocolate dipped strawberries!!  It was never random.  Kim would plan ahead and have everything ready to go - including gift bags and ribbon, where appropriate....
            I've struggled tremendously with this.  You know, I so appreciate our teachers and all that they do for our children, especially the bambini.  They are the ones who put in such long hours, every day, yet greet us with bright smiles and encouraging words, every day.  They are the ones, at the end of their day, where they'd love to be going home, who have put in extra time to take care of the bambini - to help them with homework, tutor them, include them in special projects and make them feel like they matter...they have done so much!
             And I've tried to duplicate what Kimmy does, but with little to no flair!  Today was a great example.  I did pick up chocolate for Mrs. Schrantz and Mrs. Rudzena, but, the kids told me they were to bring a flower in, too.  However, Tonio and Autumn (Heckle and Jeckle) lacked urgency in getting ready for school today...it was crazy sock day and I had laid out one long white sock and one short black sock for Tonio...when it was time to go, I began calling the kids.  Cody promptly glides through the kitchen, ready, as always and gets in the truck...no sign of Heckle and Jeckle...I call again: "Honeys, we're going to be late!" Kimmy always called them honeys - I was trying to stay loving and collected (no caffeine yet and I still do not like mornings!)...nothing.  "Dammit Tonio and Autumn!!! We are going to be late!  Again!!"...steam begin to float out of my ears...
               Ah, here they come...'What are you wearing!?!?'  Tonio had spurned the socks I gave him for some frilly, girly socks that Autumn mischievously conjured up...DAMMIT..."Go change your socks right now!"....I shouted...."That's it, I'm leaving!!" now my head spinning around and spewing green vomit like in the Exorcist...They scrambled out the door and towards the truck....and I had forgotten my cell phone and hustled back in to get it...
              When I returned, Tonio and Autumn were frantically picking flowers from the front yard...which melted my heart....I got them in, just made it in the gate before it was locked at school and immediately headed to Fry's and bought two bouquets of flowers...took them to their teachers and hugged the kids and told them I loved them...Kimmy would not have forgotten the flowers...and the chocolates would have had frilly ribbons around the packages...I pledge to do better for the rest of the week!

                Ok, well, it was another busy day, after that as I jetted to the northside to sell books at Barnes & Noble (big shout out to Cathy! Tom loves you and says that it is time for bed!!)...where Jaimelyn and I engaged in a Americano drinking contest...she won.  But, I must say, I think I broke a land speed record for shelving books today!! I love Tuesday, new release day,  seeing all of the new books hit the shelves!
              Lupe and Manny picked Tonio and Autumn up at school for me and they made ugly shirts to wear to school tomorrow (the theme for the day)...Tonio drew a star and wrote 'Cowboys'...good boy!!  Of course, Manmy and Lupe, being from Texas, were not too happy that Tonio chose to equate their beloved Dallas Cowboys with an ugly shirt (I like it!)...after I picked up Cody, we headed over and Lupe fed us some incredible tacos!!
             THEN, I dropped the boys off and Autumn and I headed to the ball park to see Janene's son, Brendon's, Rangers, square off against the vaunted Dbacks - Brendon laid down an incredible bunt and had two great hits, as his team was up 12-3 when Autumn and I left around 9:40ish...Autumn did not want to leave, as Lexy and Breanna were both there, too - they had fun together!
             When I got home, Tonio was fast asleep on the living room floor!!  We rolled him  to bed and Cody, Aut and I just got to go out back to say good night to Kimmy - what a beautiful evening - after all of the wind we have been having, the night was still, nice temp and the sky was breathtaking with stars and a bank of clouds...
              This morning, after dropping Antonio at Mrs. Schrantz class, Autumn and I took a moment to stop and say a quick prayer at Kimmy's 'Smiles Grown Here Garden'...it gave us both a sense of peace to start our long, but fun, day...


  1. Forgive me for laughing, but that Hawk story is hilarious! I can only imagine how badly she felt! That totally made my day! I'm so glad you and Autumn are able to stop at the garden. I pass through it every day when I go to my classroom. It's such a great little place. :)

  2. That hawk...it was unbelievable!! And Kimmy, such an animal lover, was mortified!!! The garden is tremendous...we have nothing but the highest appreciation for the hard work and consideration put into it so that we all may enjoy it...Dave
