We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...

We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...
1997's Climb

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mother Teresa

          Today, back in 1997, Mother Teresa passed away, having lived a fulfilling life helping others...

           For me, it was a day of reflection...I thought (and thanked God) for all of the lives Kim touched during her journey...at church - the blood drives, the pancake breakfasts, delivering the gifts to the altar, singing in the choir...at school - one of the things I heard most often when helping Kim at school in her position of Volunteer Coordinator, was that she was her own best volunteer...tirelessly working on school projects, fundraisers, helping stabilize PTA, sporting events, supporting teachers, book fairs - I can't name them all.  And somehow, still finding time to volunteer at Cottonwood. Delivering meals to the needy at Thanksgiving and Christmas, helping with carnivals and musicals. I loved her work with Head Sprout, the federal reading program designed to help kids not only learn to read better, but to comprehend what they read.  The joy on her students faces as they raced up to her "Mrs. Conca, Mrs. Conca!!!  I made my A.R. goal!!", and the reciprocating tears of joy on Kim's face as she received the child with a hug and a heart felt "I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!!".  And how other teachers would tell me how much they loved having Kim on campus and that she would help with anything, no matter how big, how small or how difficult the job...Of course, the "Smiles Grown Here Garden" that she wanted for the children...we still cannot just walk past it...it pulls our eyes to it, as if Kim herself where standing there saying 'hi' to us...we stand near it, and Tonio and Autumn lovingly pull weeds and miscellaneous debris from it...The students loved her dearly...
          Her work in the community, especially with the homeless...she never failed to see Jesus' face in their tired, forlorn faces...the lunches she would pack for them, cold drinks she would bring them, clothes too...sunscreen...but, I bet, the thing that they appreciated most of all, was her bright smile, the way she would look them in the eye and say something to them to make their day...We used to work the C.A.R.E. Fair each year at Pueblo High School on the south side and Kim would literally change the course of hundreds of people's day each year, as she packed them goody bags, provided information, a hug for the nino's and a smile for the parents...
          "Do everything with love..."

            And so, it was, that we set out this weekend to do just that...

                     Here are some neat gateways at San Xavier that I took pictures of Friday morning at Mass...I carefully dusted Kim's photo on Mary's altar (although, the husband/wife cleaning team do such a good job, that it isn't really necessary...just comforting) and lit candles for her.  The San Xavier school children attend this Mass, and I just love the intro that the sisters give them, as they teach them about different parts of the Mass before it begins, and, each week, prior to the start of Mass, the very last thing they review, without fail, is not to squeeze each other's hands too hard when exchanging the sign of peace!!  Everyone cracks up during this exercise.  I wish they'd let me tape it for you...
               I already told you about running steps and why at St. Joseph's...Lexy and Autumn got together later for a sleep over - we all went to our old neighbor's and friend, the Petersen's for the annual Vail Girl's fantasy football draft.  Cindy, the commissioner, was kind enough to ask me to play Kimmy's team this year for her, the Broad Street Bullies.  Kim named her team this in honor of the Philadelphia Flyer's great teams in the mid to late '70's. 
                Several years ago, I realized that the fantasy football draft was a night away from my family, and I decided that I didn't need to play anymore.  Then, Cindy told Kim she was starting a league and that I could help facilitate the draft...we could both be there!  And, she always welcomed the bambini.  Kim really enjoyed playing, and every Sunday, she'd ask "OK, are any of my guys playing in this game?"  It really got her involved in the whole league and what was going on...and was fun for both of us.  This year, Cindy's husband, Mickey, facilitated the draft so that I could pick Kim's team.  The food was great and I remembered previous drafts, where Kim would try to ask me questions during the proceedings, on who to pick and who not to.  She was so energized and looked great in my McNabb jersey!
             The girls rented the Prom, a Disney film and stayed up late, well, not late for them, 1:30ish - they've stayed up until 5:00 a.m. before!!  And, in the morning, I dug deep for my inner-Kim and made them pancakes, bacon, eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast.  Cody had slept over at his buddy, Jesus' house, so I had the normal three bambini that morning.   The kids played video games, watched more movies, Tonio helped me with yardwork...until they were hungry again - so I grilled them burgers, dogs and corn on the cob...
               ...then, to the movies to see The Zookeeper, starring Kevin James.  We met Angie, Andrea and Breanna there - it kept the kids laughing the whole time (funnier than Mall Cop and being shown at the cheap theaters now!).  We all went to Applebees and met Angie's youngest daughter, Kim and her kids for dinner.  Applebees

                         Speaking of 'bonus'...my friend, Karen, found Tastyklairs while at the beach in New Jersey!!  She sent us a six pack - they are every bit as good as I remember them from high school!  I'd buy one of these for Kim at Pott's hot dog shop on our walk home from school...

               Sunday morning, I snapped this sideways shot of some bleary eyed bambini as we sat in church at Our Mother of Sorrows...afterward, we had breakfast at Viro's and Rosa and Vito were able to sit with us and help fill our bellies...
                      Followed by swimming (we waited an hour before we swam so the sharks wouldn't eat us) at Janene's with Angie and Kim and her kids...It was as hot as the surface of the sun Sunday, and the cooling waters of the pool were just what we needed!  That's Tonio springing off the dive!  It is hard to believe he just learned how to swim six months ago...
                     The evening was gorgeous, so I took the kids on a bike ride, Cody's buddy Alex joining us...
                        We saw a rainbow over the Rincon's...
                          Alex and Cody soak in the view...Cody's snapping a photo at the same time as me...
                 The sun setting in the west was brilliant...Tonio swore it was Mama saying 'hi'!
                  We ended our night with the Jason Statham/Brad Pitt classic 'Snatch'...Cody and I making it well past midnight (in fact, Mary, I believe I was still awake when you posted your comment!!  Thank you : ) )
                   Today, we did some more swimming at Janene's...it was a beautiful day, slightly overcast and much cooler than it has been over the last couple of weeks...Angie, Andrea, Janene, Kristie (in from N.M.) and Kim and all of their kids were there - poor Brad and Janene, had just made it down the mountain from camping in time to entertain us all! The children's laughter, as they played in the pool was fantastic...let me see if I can name the multitudes...Cody, Brendon,Andres,Autumn, Lexy, Mariah,Tonio,Trinity,Breanna,Bryson,Richie,Kason and Micah. There were squirt guns, fun noodles, buckets, basketballs and many acrobatic flips and dives off of the diving board!!

                  As it got dark, we tried to fit in a walk through the desert with Bella...just the five of us...Tonio pointed out how there was a beautiful peach/pink spot of clouds over the Santa Rita's and I used this as an opportunity to remind them of all of the good we have in our life...the family, the friends, each other and, of course, the memories...


1 comment:

  1. a 3am feeding today :) wow, the sky was beautiful, so many pinks from Kim...Mother Theresa is a great comparison to Kim, always giving of herself without wanting the recognition. She is truly missed at cottonwood. I was telling my new parapro about Kim and its hard to put it into words just how special she is...a rare person in this world :)
