We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...

We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...
1997's Climb

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sorry for the delays...

   I find myself with writer's block, more often, as, over the last few weeks, the weight...and distractions, have begun to take their toll...it was a challenging weekend, and this week will be too...So, here is another of Kimmy's Journal entries to keep you company until I come back:

         May 9th, 2004

                     "It's the day before Autumn turns 4!  We're up late decorating and wrapping our princess's gifts.  Where has 4 years gone? Tomorrow, for her birthday, she wishes to go to the Desert Museum. 
                     We have our walk through for the new house at 1:00 - then, her dance class is at 5:30!  We'll pick up cupcakes for her dance buddies and have a little mini party, with Lexy coming over to our home later.  I hope her birthday is as special to her as she is to all of us!
                    Today is Mother's Day.  Dave gave me a beautiful card and a gorgeous mother's ring with all of the kid's stones - together, they make up the Italian flag! (Autumn= emerald, Cody = diamond and Tonio = ruby).  We all went to Viro's for breakfast and had omelets and fruit and all the goodies on the buffet.  Even Tonio enjoyed sampling everything!
                    I am so blessed to have this wonderful family!"

                   Ahhhhh, we were so blessed to have a wonderful woman in our lives, Kimmy...

                  It being Sunday, we went to Mass at Our Mother of Sorrows, with Angie, her sister Ala and Henry, Andrea and Lupe, while the kids went to C.C.D.  Then,  we found ourselves at Viro's for that very buffet that Kim raved about seven short years ago.  Rose and Vito joined us, along with Andrea, Lexy and Breanna.  The omelets are still so delicious and the fruit was incredibly fresh.  How many bowls of Italian Wedding soup were consumed?  I lost count!  We are blessed with these families!!

                 Much later, Tonio curious about those little corns you get in Chinese food, I told them the story about how, around this time of year, the hard corn, the kind we used to toss at houses around Halloween 'Tick Tacking', was nearly ready for picking.  Kim and I would go up to Lehigh University's fields on South Mountain (a hill, really) and walk through countless acres of it...sometimes we run through the rows....and play hide and seek, Kim would make these whippoorwill bird calls to give me clues to find her.  We'd often peel back a few ears, to see if we'd find any of the red or orange colored ears to keep for decorating for autumn...the air would be getting cooler and the smell of the fields was refreshing...

PS Another curveball...Autumn just lost a tooth!
              Kim was always so prepared for these events...looks like I will be sneaking out in a couple of hours!


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