We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...

We Climbed before the Klimb 4 Kim...
1997's Climb

Thursday, July 16, 2020


            Ahhhhhh birthdays....Kim would make you feel so special on what she loved to call 'your special day'!!  We had a running joke between us, that started on each other's birthday, but somehow spread to when ever one of us would ask the other 'what would you like to do today?'...the other would answer 'I don't know, it's YOUR special day!!'.  Always cracked us up.

             I do really try to make each kid's birthday something for them to remember.  I always will ask if there is anything they have been wanting or needing.  Tonio, having that big heart from his mom, always has some incredible answers.  One time, he told me that he would really like the sandwich he ordered to be served looking, or even close to looking, as good it does on the menu, or the posters they have around the menu board on the wall!!!  That's a tough one - the burgers always look thicker and juicer in the photos they use to advertise them!  Needless to say, I couldn't deliver on that.
           I have to say, I am fortunate that my kids never got hung up on name brands or high end items.  Their requests have always been practical, idealistic and they seem to keep in mind my budgetary constraints.

            This year, when I asked Tonio what he really wanted for his birthday, once again, his answer was selfless and deep.  He paused a moment, holding his pose, eyes looking up and away...

            "Really dad, all I want is to go out to dinner with the people that I care about"

           Typically has never been a problem...COVID rears its ugly head once again.

            We have long had the tradition of allowing the birthday child to choose where they would like everyone to meet to celebrate.  Again, Tonio always thinking of others - first, Autumn.  He reasoned it would be easiest on her if he chose a place near our home, as he knew Aut would be working until 6:30, 7ish on his bday (she can rarely get off early).  He also mentioned that the people he would like to come all live in our area, so it would be easiest for them to make it...THEN, being Tonio, he says;

           "but dad, it's cool if nobody can make it this year, it really is."

            As parents, we just want the best for our children.  As parents, we sometimes feel their pain more than they do.  Even when they are this logical and are thinking of others, we just want more for them.  I guess it's a part of the process.

           He chose Lonchos.  Almost walking distance.  A great new Mexican place that opened recently, despite COVID and has amazing food.  Best part, we know the family that works there from one of our favorite after church (before church was canceled) breakfast spots, the Breakfast Stop.  The mom, Ana, cooks from scratch - best birria and corn tortillas I've ever had.  Autumn swears by Ana's pozole.  Her daughters, Kim and Amy wait tables and tend bar.  They take such good care of us.  When we arrived on Tonio's birthday, Ana told Aut she had made her ceviche, even though it is not on the menu, as she knows it's Aut's favorite.  She made Tonio a special plate of nachos while he waited for his birria tacos to arrive.  Kim decorated a table with balloons, etc and they had a gift for Tonio.  It was Kim's birthday too, so she joined us for a time.  They kept us entertained and before we knew it, it was 12:30 a.m.  Tonio had a big smile and a full belly.

Autumn's newest creation...the chocolate gelato cake!!  New favorite!!

That morning, Tonio wanted to go to breakfast to our favorite diner, Bread & Butter.  They have the most amazing chile cheese omelets and hash browns!!  Of course, everyone there knows Tonio and the manager, Jessica, present him with a homemade cinnamon roll, complete with a candle!

(a different night at Lonchos)

Also took a nice bike ride through the desert...103 degrees, didn't slow Tonio down!!

He's probably been the most affected by quarantine.  Aut and I go to work, so we try to get him out for bike rides, walks with our pups, Angel and Belle and get him out for meals.  Plus frequent trips to the San Xavier Mission to light candles for his mom and all of our loved ones during these challenging times. 
Tonio takes it all in stride.  He's been doing some painting - I know Kim can look down and see, but I truly wish she was in the room to witness the phases, the sketches, the planning, the detail...He bought himself some canvasses recently and has a lot of paints received as gifts over the years and is doing some neat stuff.  He takes good care of the pups, his ghost corn snake Cruiser and bearded dragon Jake.  Helps out cleaning up the house and is just always a pleasure to be around.

Some of his ceramic work from this past year

Thankful for birthday 17!!!

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